Thanks to her skills, the Doula will be able to follow you before, during and after your delivery. It offers the woman and the couple emotional support during this great change that is the arrival of a baby. The Doula will be able to advise you as best as possible following the birth you wish to have, for the first months of your baby's life and for any questions about your pregnancy. She works closely with doctors, midwives and other therapists to guide you in the best possible way.
Deux Barres Roses brings a lot of importance to this very special moment of pregnancy, especially when it has been difficult and long to get pregnant. We do not always feel understood, we have contradictory thoughts. We are here to support you and help you express your feelings as well as answer the various questions you may have. Two Rose Bars to regularly help young mothers especially during their return home which is not always done in the greatest fullness.
When the desire to have a child has been a struggle and when you finally touch this dream with your fingertips, it is sometimes difficult to feel fully happy and in agreement with your choices during this long-awaited pregnancy.
Deux Barres Roses helps you to express your needs, your doubts and your fears so that this magical moment passes more peacefully. Do not hesitate to make an appointment so that we can discuss what you expect from us.
Thanks to her skills, the Doula will be able to follow you before, during and after your delivery. It offers the woman and the couple emotional support during this great change that is the arrival of a baby.
The Doula will be able to advise you as best as possible following the birth you wish to have, for the first months of your baby's life and for any questions about your pregnancy.
She works closely with doctors, midwives and other therapists to guide you in the best possible way.
How can the Doula help you during your delivery? Various studies have shown that being accompanied by a doula:
Reduces the duration of contractions
The use of epidurals is reduced
Reduced use of painkillers and tranquilizers
Reduction of caesareans
Less use of instruments such as forceps, spatulas, suction cups
The newborn is more awake and takes the breast more easily.
The couple is strengthened and moves forward as a team
The dad is more confident in the relationship with his baby
The Doula can support mothers and couples in different scenarios:
the partner does not attend the birth or if his presence is not desired by the woman
the partner wants additional support
the partner does not attend the delivery or if his presence is not desired by the woman.
The mother-to-be is single
the woman did not feel sufficiently surrounded during the birth of her first child
a caesarean section is planned and the woman does not want to be alone after childbirth when her partner and the midwife bring the newborn to the nursery
she is from another country or another culture and she wishes the presence of a mediator
it is the first child to be born or if the woman has many questions and is particularly worried
a first childbirth left traumas
a disabled child is expected
there is a risk that the child will live only a few hours or be born stillborn
the woman wishes to be surrounded by women during childbirth and if her mother, her friend or her sister seem to her to be too close to attend
This is a non-therapeutic and non-medical support. In this sense, it does not in any way replace the monitoring
mandatory medical performed by your midwife, gynecologist or doctor
treating during your pregnancy,
during your delivery and in the postnatal period.
We offer global or partial support. Your doula always works with a “back-up” that you also meet during an appointment, in case of force majeure you will always have someone by your side. Generally, a global accompaniment contains 5 to 7 appointments in pre and postnatal as well as the presence during all the duration of the childbirth.
I am also a member of the “Doula Genève” association as well as the “Naitre Ensemble” association which is a guarantee of trust, you can consult theirSite

Let's take the time to discuss to know your expectations.
I will be on call 24 hours a day for 4 weeks before your due date and 2 weeks after. I will be present at your delivery if you wish.
1st appointment
Let's meet for the first time without obligation to see if the current is going well and if I meet your expectations.
During the postpartum period, which is such an important period, I would come to visit you in order to support you.
I will follow you throughout your pregnancy. About 4-5 appointments, we will get to know each other, we will discuss your birth plan, you can ask all your questions.
I offer several services around perinatality, whether hypnonatal, well-being bath, sleep consultations, etc.