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My story


Previously, women were supported by other women who had already experienced maternity. They were there to give advice and morally and emotionally support the future mother, unfortunately in our society as we know it in the West, this mutual aid has disappeared.

Deux Barres Roses will be there to support you!


Whether you have questions, doubts, concerns, you will find all the professionals who can help you on all topics related to infertility and perinatality, a blog with regular articles as well as podcasts to feel less alone during the first day of the rest of your life.

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Who am I ?

My name is Margaux, a big fan of the world of perinatal care, I discovered that getting pregnant would be more difficult than I thought.

After doing in vitro fertilization, I finally had the chance to see those two pink bars on my pregnancy test, past the amazement of such quick success, excitement and happiness. I must say that the next nine months were not happy despite the support of those around me and the medical team that accompanied me.


I dared not articulate the difficulties I was experiencing during the biggest change in my life. After the birth of my daughter, who remains the most beautiful moment of my existence, I wanted to offer this help that I had missed so much. Deux Barres Roses was born, a benevolent platform with real informative support.

Since then, I have continued my fight to become a mother again. I was operated on many times, I did several embryo transfers which gave me 3 little angels and we had to start a new IVF. I finally got pregnant with twins and gave birth in March 2021 to two little preemies. It was again a test of life but we emerged victorious and following this somewhat chaotic birth, I say goodbye to my uterus which had well deserved an early retirement.    

My career


I was trained in 2018/2019 by ;Training Doula French-speaking Switzerland(Switzerland). 

I was trained by Anne Marmagne and the organization AMI (Belgium). Training; in 2019 and 2021.

I followed the training of theAcademy 

HappyMum&Baby (Canada). 2021

Well-Naught School (Paris). 2019

Trained by a Hypnotherapist in private lessons, (Switzerland). 2018

The Way of Isis,;(Canada and Belgium) 2020

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